Norfolk State University
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Campus Announcement - Vote for the 2024-25 Common Reader


From:      Communications and Marketing
To:           NSU Students, Faculty and Staff
Subject:   Vote for the 2024-25 Common Reader


Vote for the 2024-25 Common Reader


Norfolk State University’s common reader program seeks to foster a shared intellectual experience among all members of our university community, by choosing a thought-provoking book that promotes critical thinking, intellectual inquiry, engagement with different perspectives and supports our Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP).


The program also includes the reading of a common text by first-year students, guided discussions during first-year orientation, integration into the first-year seminar course, and author talks.


Below is a list of books suggested as the 2024-2025 Common Reader for NSU.


Please designate your suggestions with star ratings, using the 5-star rating for your strongest suggestion. We would appreciate your input/feedback.


Click on this link to vote.




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